Wisconsin Educator Development Support and Retention (WEDSR) Survey

The WEDSR is a foundational data collection instrument for the work of the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness Partnership (WEERP) between the Office of Socially Responsible Evaluation (SREED) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The WEDSR gives Wisconsin educators a safe space to share their experiences working in their school. The survey assesses their job satisfaction and aspects of the school culture and climate that help schools identify ways to improve educator experiences like the trust between educators and between school leadership and educators. Survey responses are confidential and only known to SREED staff.

In 2022, the WEDSR.ORG website was released. This powerful tool is available to schools and districts that participate in the WEDSR.

Access WEDSR Website

Schools and districts with access to this tool can view their historical results, break down their results by teacher gender and race, and make adjusted comparisons to state results for the purpose of comparison.

Again, only districts that participate in the survey have access to this tool.

Have any questions about the WEDSR website or would you like a demo? Email us at sreed-info@uwm.edu.

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