What is the registration process for new student organizations?

To access all of the forms listed below, log in to Panther Presence using your UWM username and password. Then find the form using the Form tab and the search function. For additional information contact Student Involvement at activities@uwm.edu. Please include the proposed name of your organization in the subject line of the email message.

Student Involvement processes new and reactivating organization registrations all year long. However, the month of September is when current organizations must renew their registration with UWM. As a result, final approvals for new and reactivating organizations do not take place in September. All new and reactivating organizations that have completed the registration process during September will be approved at the beginning of October.

General Requirements

Each student organization must provide the full name, UWM student identification number, phone number, and email address of four UW‐Milwaukee students currently enrolled at least half-time to serve as officers. At least one of the contacts for the organization must agree to have their name and phone number or email address released as the public information for the group.

  • List four UWM students enrolled in a degree program, on a fee-paying (Segregated University Fee) basis for at least half‐time (6 credits for undergraduates and 4 credits for graduate students) as contacts within the Org Registration and showing in the online membership roster.
  • Have a membership consisting of at least 3/4 students enrolled for a minimum of one semester hour of credit at UWM.
  • List the name, office location, telephone number, and email address for at least one faculty or staff advisor who is employed by UW‐Milwaukee. This information must appear in the Org Registration and in the membership roster online. The name and UWM email address for the faculty/staff advisor’s supervisor must also be provided so that liability protection for the advising role can be documented.
    • Disclose any community, state, national, or international affiliations of your student organization by listing them in the Org Registration in the Affiliations section. Constitution/bylaws of the affiliated organization(s) can be submitted electronically as PDF or by using a website URL.
  • Additional criteria for registering a student organization on campus can be found in the Student Organization Manual, located on the Student Involvement website, under Student Organization Resources.



Forming a local chapter of an external organization

Next Steps 

To begin the new or reactivating student organization process, complete the “Application for New or Reactivating Student Organization”, found in Panther Presence in Forms. After you submit this form, feel free to continue with the next steps. Please be sure to follow the sequence completing step 1 before moving to step 2 and so on. You will receive more information via email. 


Step 1: Self-Enroll in Canvas

Self-enroll in Canvas for the Student Organization Training Portal

  • Officer Onboarding on the Student Organization Training Portal
    • Go through the Officer Training PowerPoint in detail, take the Officer Training Quiz in the Training Portal, and get an 80% to complete your Officer Onboarding. Once you’ve received an 80% on the quiz, head to Presence to complete your Officer Contract. Each of the 4 Primary Officers must complete the training, receive 80%, AND individually submit an Officer Contract in order to be considered eligible for officer status.
  •  Advisor Contract
    • This Presence form must be submitted by your Faculty/Staff Advisor to confirm that they will serve as your Advisor for the coming academic year.

Notify Student Involvement at csidesk@uwm.edu once you have completed your training in canvas.  Once your Presence training is completed by logging into Presence at uwm.presence.io using your UWM username and password. A portal in Presence will be created for your organization (This is why you need to notify Student Involvement, so this can be created). It will then be your responsibility to edit this portal (also called “organization registration” under the details tab) so that we have all of the information we need to continue processing your registration. 


Step 2: Edit the details tab in your organization portal in Presence

Use the pencil icon on the details page. Provide complete and accurate information for your organization officers and advisor. Then submit this information using the green button in the upper right corner. 

This document will help guide you through this process:  How To Update Your Org Registration


Step 3: Officer and Advisor documents

  1. Each officer must complete Officer Training in the Student Organization Training Portal in Canvas and the Officer On-Boarding Contract form in Presence.  
  2. The Faculty/Staff Advisor must complete theAdvisor Contract form to confirm that they will serve as your Advisor for the current academic year. 


Step 4: Submit a Charter Application

Submit either a Basic Charter Application (recommended) or a Standard Charter Application form in Presence. You only need to submit one charter application and can choose either the standard or basic type. If you wish, you may write and submit a full constitution document (with or without bylaws) for review in place of the charter forms. 


A Student Involvement staff member will be tracking your progress through this process and will be emailing you to let you know if there’s anything incomplete or concerning. They will also let you know when you have completed all required steps and are able to schedule a Charter Meeting. The Charter Meeting is the last step in the registration process and serves to review all materials submitted and answer questions the organization leadership may have. 

If you have any questions throughout this process, please email us at csidesk@uwm.edu, call us at 414-229-5780 or stop by Union 355!